B2B E-Commerce


avanta digitizes sales in B2B companies and is developed by the Hessian company ECOPLAN. We at integer_net are official ECOPLAN partners and specialize in adapting web shops to industry needs.

avanta Demoshop auf Desktop, Tablet und Mobilgerät

Who is avanta suitable for?

With avanta, we are back to the most important thing in sales: more time for customer care, less manual input. Unlike other shop systems, avanta specializes in B2B: 98% of typical requirements are already included. At the same time, individual adjustments are possible.

Ein Häkchen in einem Kästchen in leuchtendem GrünConnection to your ERPSAP, MS Dynamics, Sage and other ERP solutions can be easily connected to avanta, so you can use their full potential!
Ein Häkchen in einem Kästchen in leuchtendem GrünClear approvalsThe shopping cart can be saved, forwarded & exported, the status is always visible: That’s valuable for customers!
Ein Häkchen in einem Kästchen in leuchtendem GrünDigital catalogueThe digital catalogue is always up to date and excellent for repeat orders: more time for customer service!
Ein Häkchen in einem Kästchen in leuchtendem GrünCustomizationCustomized products and discounts offer your customers a practical added value: better overview, easier decision.

Functions for each industry

For companies from various industries such as the chemical or standard parts industry, almost all required functions are available in avanta.

But other industries can also benefit from avanta! That’s where integer_net comes in: we are known for professionally implementing individual wishes. We will build you a shop that you can be proud of!

Screenshot des Avanta Demoshop - Chemiebranche

Chemical industry

  • Separate information such as intended use or storage capacity
  • Hazard symbols & safety instructions
  • Package options
Screenshot des Avanta Demoshop - Normteile

Standard parts

  • Filter for criteria such as surface, diameter or head shape
  • Article variants with clear search
  • Linking the articles with matching accessories
Screenshot des Avanta Demoshops - Büroausstattung

Office equipments

  • Product variants selectable via tab
  • Customer-specific prices & staggered prices
  • Easily accessible menus for quoting, comparing items or asking questions
Große Collage aus verschiedenen Screenshots aus dem Webshop von regio iT. Weißer Hintergrund.

avanta in action

regio iT

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What does integer_net have to do with avanta?

integer_net is an ECOPLAN certified partner. avanta is based on the shop system Magento, which we have specialized in for over 10 years. Quality is the core of our work. Therefore, avanta offers us the perfect basis on which we can implement individual requirements of our B2B customers.

Bild von unserem Team am Tisch.

Interested in an avanta demo?

We would be happy to show you the functions that avanta supports your online sales at your preferred date.

Contact us!