We raise your sales to the next level

Sales Optimization

Your new B2B shop means more time - for you and your customers

With a well-organised and easy-to-use B2B webshop, you can increase customer and employee satisfaction. Repetitive tasks are eliminated and your customers also have access to your catalogue and ordering system outside of business hours. This is a benefit for you, because it gives you more time and makes your key sales business easier: customer acquisition and customer care.

What you can expect

With the help of your B2B webshop, you can reduce the workload of your sales staff and offer your customers a more extensive service. Get us on board and see what's possible.

Relief for your sales team
Packaging industry
Magento 2

Knüppel Verpackung: B2B with slick product finder

Screenshots des Webshops von Knüppel Verpackung in Desktop- und mobiler Ansicht, vor grauem Hintergrund
Hard- & Software
Magento 2

regio iT: Professional sales with avanta

Screenshot der Shop-Startseite von regio iT
Hard- & Software
Magento 2

LINEAR: Complex pricing system cleverly implemented

Coverimage with the logo of LINEAR
Magento 2

Highlite: B2B & event technology at a premium level

Coverimage for Highlite with screenshots of their shop
Magento 2

Design Bestseller: Thousands of products, efficient overview

Coverimage for Design-Bestseller with screenshots of their shop