The event for all Hyvä enthusiasts

Hyvä Meetup

Hyvä-Meetup von integer_net Banner

Join the Hyvä Meetup

The next meetup's date will be announced soon

What is the Hyvä Meetup about?

The Hyvä Meetup is a virtual event for anyone interested in finding out how to build fast online stores even quickier. :) Why should you consider Hyvä for a Magento-based online store? What does a team need to implement a project with Hyvä? How can extensions be made compatible with Hyvä themes? What experiences have others had with Hyvä?

These and other questions about Hyvä are more than welcome at the Hyvä Meetup. In addition to answers, there will also be the opportunity to discuss ideas around this new Magento frontend approach. The Hyvä Meetup is organized by integer_net, the main partner and co-developer of Hyvä Themes, and aims to facilitate further collaboration and knowledge sharing for the benefit of the Magento community.

Would you like to give a talk at the Hyvä Meetup?

Are you interested in presenting your latest Hyvä project or showing us how you work with Hyvä? Then please get in touch with us at

Good to know

Will the event be recorded?
Will the event be in English?
How long will the event be?
How can I take part?

Recap of the first Hyvä Meetup, May 19th 2021

For our very first meetup we were having Ryan Copeland, Director at Foundation Commerce. He shows us his Hyvä Case Study on In addition John Hughes, Technical Director of Fisheye, gave us an overview of his work with Page Builder and Hyvä Themes.

The second Hyvä Meetup, November 3rd, 2021

Lots of experts at our second Hyvä Meetup! Ian Rushton from Develo in the UK kicked things in off be showing us the project "Made with Love and Sparkle". After that Danny Verkarde and Edwin Bos from Cream in the Netherland presented their showcase "Creme de la Cream: Isenvi healthy cookware". The Irish store and its technical background was shown to us by Anastasia Bondar by Space 48 afterwards. The last of the bunch was our colleague Ina van der Biesen: Her presentation was about our project Highlite, a store that was one of the very first to try out Hyvä Themes.

The fifth Hyvä Meetup, October 20th, 2022

At the fifth Hyvä Meetup on 20 October 2022, Hyvä just celebrated the milestone of being used in 1000 online stores! To celebrate, Alex Galdin gave a presentation on the B2B shop created by integer_net for Knüppel Verpackung. Further showcases were presented by Irina Smidt on SunLiner and Marc Bernabeu on Lola Homes.

The eight Hyvä Meetup, November 27th, 2023

The eighth Hyvä Meetup took place on 27 November 2023. Two presentations provided plenty of input: Sean van Zuidam kicked things off with the practical topic "How to use UI components in Hyvä"; Christian Philipp then provided insights into integer_net's internal project Feconell which speeds up the process of creating Hyvä-based frontends.

more past events

Hyvä Meetup No. 3
Hyvä Meetup No. 4
Hyvä Meetup No. 6
Hyvä Meetup No. 7