Frontend & Hyvä 4/16/2021

News about Hyvä Themes

Hyvä 1.1 is available

About a month and a half after the release of version 1.0 of Hyvä Themes, the updated version is available, which includes new features. We want to take this as an opportunity to take a look at what has happened around Hyvä Themes in the meantime.

New features in Hyvä Themes 1.1

The update of Hyvä Themes extends the range of functions so that further standard functions of Magento can be used with Hyvä Themes without further effort. These include:
  • Page Builder (for Magento Commerce)
  • Swatches in product lists and on product detail pages
  • Language & country switch
  • Currency switch
  • Login as customer

Swatches-PLP-s.gif The preview of product variants is now also available in product lists and on product detail pages via swatches.

Community activities

Visual Editor for Hyvä Themes

Visual editors for content in Magento have been a big topic in the Magento community for years. This is because only those who use Magento Commerce can use the Page Builder, which simplifies the editing of content. In the meantime, however, there are many alternatives that make it possible to use a visual editor in Magento Open Source. One of these solutions is Storyblok. Actually a separate CMS, it can be used in Magento with the help of the Storyblok integration developed by Javier Villanueva & Media Lounge. Why do we mention it here? Because it also works in a Hyvä Themes based frontend without any customisation.

Hyvä Themes as topic

In the current episode of MageChat, Hyvä Themes is one of the topics discussed. Hyvä is also a topic in other podcasts and conversations, such as the Talk Commerce series.

New features for Hyvä Admin

Vinai Kopp (who recently joined the integer_net team) is currently working on simplifying the creation of forms in the Magento backend with Hyvä Admin. The open source module Hyvä Admin already allows tables to be generated in the Magento backend much more easily than before. The form functionality that also belongs to Hyvä Admin is currently in the works.

New online shops with Hyvä Themes

A few days after the release of Hyvä Themes, our team was able to launch another online shop with Hyvä Themes as the frontend. We have now implemented three online shops with Hyvä Themes. The fourth shop will follow in a few weeks.

Other agencies have not remained inactive either. The list of Hyvä showcases continues to grow.

What's next?

Willem Wigman has announced that after the release of 1.1, the focus will now be on assistance for newcomers. As examples, he mentions the documentation as well as examples and videos - both for Hyvä Themes itself and for third-party modules.

Compatibility of Hyvä Themes with Magento modules

Magento is also such a popular e-commerce platform because the functions can be supplemented by a variety of extensions. If these third-party modules have an impact on the frontend, they may not work directly with Hyvä Themes. We are working on an official list in which it can be stated for which modules Hyvä Themes compatibility is desired or already exists.

Hyvä Meetup

With more and more people using Hyvä Themes or thinking about it, the demand for direct exchange increases. That is why we are launching Hyvä Meetup - an informal, virtual meeting for sharing experiences. The first Hyvä Meetup will take place on the 19th of May. On this Wednesday evening, starting at 8 pm, all questions about Hyvä can be discussed.
