What is FireGento?
FireGento is an association of Magento developers. Together we develop open source modules and organize so-called hackathons. The association serves as an umbrella for a part of the Magento community, founded in Germany. Since 2013 FireGento is a registered association with its headquarters in Berlin.What is the origin of FireGento?
The name FireGento came up for the first time in 2011. It was created by developers from the Magento agencies Flagbit and ITABS, in order to launch and publish non-commercial modules together, without putting a commercial company to the forefront.At the end of 2011 we started the development of the module German Setup (today MageSetup) during a developer meetup. Because the developers involved came from five different companies, we agreed on a "neutral" name, with which this module became afterwards known to a wider public. Today MageSetup is often viewed as a quasi-standard for German Magento stores. There are other FireGento modules; FireGento PDF and the Magento-Composer-Installer project which simplifies the installation and management of external Magento modules greatly are the most well known among them.
What does the association FireGento do?
The association, founded in 2013, primarly takes care of the regular organisation of so-called hackathons, at least three times a year, now they take place more often and around the world. There, developers come together to develop modules and projects, for which there is no time or opportunity in everyday business, which are usually released as open source afterwards. The results are freely available under https://github.com/firegento or https://github.com/magento-hackathon.Membership is possible for everyone who fills in the membership application. Currently this is possible only offline, which is at a hackathon or through personal contact with the Board of Directors. This will change in the near future. Membership costs 120$ a year.
Who is FireGento?
Currently there are about 15-20 official members of the club, including Viktor Franz and Andreas von Studnitz of integer_net. However, I wouldn't limit the togetherness of FireGento on the membership to the association, as some developers who have already worked hard on FireGento modules didn't have the opportunity to join the association yet.Most of the members are developers and / or managers in Magento agencies or freelancers.